Explore the essentials of child development and the Montessori method with our exclusive bundle offer! This package combines two insightful courses: Early Childhood Development and How Montessori Works.

Early Childhood Development: Delve into the crucial first six years of life. Understand how to nurture a child's trust, self-esteem, and intelligence. Learn techniques to manage temper tantrums, make learning more effective, and guide a child's spirit and mind.

How Montessori Works: Ideal for Montessori newcomers, this two-week online course provides a comprehensive understanding of Montessori philosophy, environment, the four avenues, and the concept of following the child. With interactive forums and teacher support, study at your own pace while staying engaged and connected.

Together, these courses offer a holistic approach to child development and Montessori education, perfect for parents and educators alike. Sign up now and enrich your understanding and skills, all from the comfort of your home!